Tuesday, May 31, 2005

You know you are sore when........

  • you have to use a handrail to help you get up the steps
  • you have to use a handrail to help you get down the steps
  • you have to swivel around and lower both feet at the same time to get out of the car
  • your hamstrings feel 3 inches shorter than they should be
  • you have to get down on one knee to pick up something you drop
  • when you have to manually lift your foot up to take off your shoe

    Pics of the race to follow tomorrow

Monday, May 30, 2005

Nike RunTO 10K

Today was a great day. Chris, Erika and I headed off to Toronto Island where we were taking part in the Nike RunTO 10K.

The weather at times was beautiful and at times awful. We arrived early to the island and just enjoyed the festivities that were going on. We took advantage of the free breakfast, listened to the bands and took part in a little light warm up (well most of us Chris was too cool to do it) and then we headed off for the race. We were split into sections to stagger the starts. The horns sounded and off we headed. It was a fun race, there were over 11,000 people there and everyone was wearing bright orange t-shirts.

I was anxious about taking part in this race because of a few factors
1. I haven't really trained as much as I could have
2. I was running on my own (Chris and Erika decided to pace themselves a little more)
3. I really love KFC food and that is a regular in my diet. So I haven't really been eating healthy.

I was quite proud of myself not only for the time that i completed it in but also for the fact that i didn't stop once. I just kept plugging on. I did realise though that I get extra motivation when I run as don't really like people overtaking me, and I like to get back in front of them. Right now as i am writing this I can feel my body getting stiffer. I was going to write gradually getting stiffer but this aint no gradual thing. Oh boy i am going to be sore tomorrow.

And my time: 50 mins 40 seconds.

It's Been Too Long

Sorry that I haven't been on top of my blog recently but things have been pretty busy these last few weeks.

Camping: The camping trip was great fun. The purpose of this trip is just to gel as a team, get to know each other and build massive campfires. We ate great meals together, played games together and Mike and I also went looking for some Moose. We were unsuccessful.

Baseball: I had the opportunity to go to a baseball game. It was a great game and that fact that it only cost $2 made it even better. The Jays were playing Boston and it had all the drama that you would hope. On the 9th inning both teams were level with 6 a piece. Boston bat first - nothing and then it was up to the Jays to produce some magic. We ended up having players on first and second base. Reed Johnson steps up to the plate - BOOM - Home Run. Final Score Boston 6 Toronto 9. Not often that a game ends like that. Good Game Boys.

Bearded Lady: While driving this week I pulled up to the lights and decided to see who was in the car next to me. Bad Mistake - there was a lady plucking hair from her chin. Gross.

Cottage: For the Long Weekend I headed off to Erika Schryer’s cottage. This is an amazing cottage as it was build by her dad. It is a big cottage and one of the best things I love about it is that there is no electricity. When you go there you take on what is called "cottage time". You put away anything that tells you the time and you eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are tired. I did realise that I am not really suited to cottage time. Eating when you are hungry and sleeping when you are tired really is a rule that I should not go by as I would be continually eating while I am in bed.

This trip was extremely relaxing as we just played games, went for hikes, chopped wood, built fires, went canoeing, and I did a spot of fishing. This turned out to be rather frustrating actually. Chris was taking a nap and Erika was reading. I thought that this would be a great time to do some more fishing. I dug up worms, gathered up all the gear I needed, dragged the canoe to the edge of the dock and set off. I must have been out there for easily 3 hours and caught.... nothing. At the end of my time I realised that I had fallen asleep in the canoe and was woken up to the sound of these 2 kids getting ready to fish off the end of their dock. They didn't have their lines in the water more than 30 seconds and they both caught a fish. At that point I packed up my stuff and headed back to land where I would sulk and take my frustration out by chopping more wood.

So that is a little of what i have been up to this past week or so. Did you do anything nice this week?

I will post pictures of these events when I get them on my computer. I won't be putting up a picture of the Bearded Lady.

Friday, May 20, 2005

freaky canadians

Why is it that at the end of movies Canadians feel the urge to clap. I was at the movies on Saturday and at the end of the movie it was almost like a standing ovation. The reason that they were standing was ultimately because they were leaving. But why the need to clap.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

God can still use lazy, spiteful people

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt 6: 21.

This was the verse that the pastor was talking about on Sunday morning. He was saying that the things that we treasure can dictate the way we live out our lives. How that often we need to let go of things that have a grip on us.

For his example he talked about his Day-timer. And how that he didn’t realise how much he used and relied on it until he misplaced it. He realised that when he had his day-timer so much of his life was dictated by what it said. If people came to visit him he wouldn’t be able to meet them because maybe he had a meeting or a lunch appointment. Having the Day-timer meant that he had taken the ability to be flexible out of his life.

Yet he didn’t give up on looking for this day-timer. He visited the following places asking for his AWOL Day-timer: all the coffee shops he had been to over the past weeks, the grocery stores, his barber shop (twice), houses that he had visited and the list went on. In the end he went and bought a replacement, as he needed a basic one to remind him of meetings etc.

It was at this point that my whole body started to sweat; I felt sick; I went red in the face and slowly slouched down in the seat that I was sitting in. This day-timer that he had franticly been looking everywhere for and had taken a considerable amount of time to talk about was in fact in the truck that I have been driving. And to make it worse, I knew it was there all along. He had borrowed the truck while I was away in Michigan and when I retuned and was sitting in the truck about to leave I saw it there, above my head in behind the visor (if that is what it is called). I could have taken it into him immediately but I didn’t. (that was the laziness part)

I missed the main message of what Paul was preaching to us on Sunday morning because I learnt a lesson myself.

Not giving the Day-timer back was probably 30% laziness and 70% spite.

I had sent Paul an email a few weeks ago looking for some answers to questions that I had been thinking about, advice on what I was reading at that time, and books that could be helpful for futher study. Yet he still hadn’t replied. I remember joking with Jono that until he gives me back something that is important to me (the answers to my questions) then I would wait to give him back something that was important to him.

I would probably say that I am a little harsh on myself because I did have the book sitting on my front of the truck last week planning on giving it to him. But in my rush I forgot to bring it in.


What made it worse was that towards the end of the service (still in church with everyone there) Chris Evans decided to announce to Paul, while he was still preaching that I did in fact have his Day-timer. Thanks Chris.

Won't forget that message for a while.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Camping Trip

On Tuesday myself and the rest of the Director Team for Muskoka Woods head off for a spot of camping. This is a great trip and one that i look forward to each year (wait - this is only my second trip)

It is a time for getting to know one another, fellowship, share ideas and stories, play some random games and it gives me the chance to make HUGE fires. I like fire.

I will give you an update on Friday of how the trip went.

Monday, May 09, 2005

What a horrible person I am

This event happened to me today and I feel that I need to share it with you all.

I was unable to finish my Chunky KitKat today.
I know - horrific, devastating, shocking, appalling, inexcusable . I don't know what to do. I nearly cried. I feel that my life hit a wall. I was travelling home from hanging out with Jono and Chris Evans and I noticed that I had a Chunky KitKat in my car (the King of Chocolate Bars). I opened it and after 3 bites I had to stop. I couldn’t continue. It was too much. I think I need counselling for this.

I have decided on the possibility of these two reasons as to why this event took place.

1. I had just been to the gym, so my body was still in 'I am going to be healthy mode' (what a crap excuse)

And the second

2. The Chunky KitKat has been in the car now for the past 5 days. The last number of days has seen our temperatures range between 7 degrees – 24 degrees. This KitKat has taken quite the amount of physical abuse with the heat. It has melted and reformed into what the wrapper allows it to form in numerous times. It was the most intense chocolate experience i have had, but it was too much. What a horrible person I am. Why would any one ever inflict that amount of pain on such an innocent bar of chocolate? What did he ever do to me? I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight.

As I write this I can see it looking at me – it is tempting me, but I can’t. It hurts that I can’t. I think I will have to go and set him in another room. It is too much, having him sitting there, watching me, judging me. He is probably thinking that I have someone else in my life, like a Twix or a Mars King-size. But I don’t, I promise – please believe me.
I want to apologise to all the other Chunky KitKats reading this. It will never happen again. You are still my favourite for now and for ever.

What Sad News

Today I received some very sad news. One of my favourite comedians Mitch Hedburg passed away on the 30th of March 2005. He was an extreemly talented comedian and will be missed by many.

Friday, May 06, 2005


You have probably gathered from my previous blogs that I am quite random, I think random thoughts, ask random questions, and experience random things.

Well today while I was driving into work I was thinking about the letters of the alphabet and singing the alphabet song to myself. I then came to wonder – who put the alphabet in the order that it is in? Was it the people that wrote the tune for the song? Is there any reasoning behind the order that we read it in?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I have been wondering for a while now where the term 'spitting image' came from. I know what it means and in which context to use it but what confuses me is why the word 'spitting' is included. Surely if two people spit it is not going to look the same. Especially if i have just eaten a Mars bar, and you have been drinking water for a few days.

I would really like some closure on this if anyone can help.