I can see what's happening
And they don't have a clue
They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two. (Lion King)
The first three lines of that song have no relevance to what I am writing about; I am just using the last line.
Today was a sad in the lives of 243 Johnston because our trio did become two. Cheryl moved out of our house today because on Tuesday she travels to India for a new and exciting adventure where she is going to be teaching. Good luck Cheryl.
SO that leaves myself and John Wood to battle with the crazy, psycho, foul mouthed freak who lives in the basement. Finally those months that we have been dreading have come upon us. She gave birth!
Usually what we have to cope each day with is:
- her partner clearing his throat in the morning (which I sleep through now)
them arguing and using the most foul language that I have ever heard people shout at each other - them shouting at the dogs when they bark even though the reason they bark is because they hardly ever let them out
- the TV as loud as being at the cinema
- her coming up to shout at me because I have parked the car in the wrong place or at the wrong angle
- or her reporting me (us) to the landlord and nearly to the police (that could be the next blog)
Now we have to put up with a crying baby, and her shouting at her partner saying “the f*ing baby won’t stop crying.” This would not be an environment that I would recommend a baby to be brought up in.
So Cheryl has gone, and tomorrow John Woods leaves to go to Europe for 3 weeks. I am home, alone with no support to help me cope with ‘ it ‘ downstairs. I suppose I could have started this part off with another line from a song. This is from the legendary band who will never be forgotten and we dream of the day that they will return and claim the world as their own - The Spice Girls - Two Become One......
Oh no, I can hear the baby warming up for a round of screaming. Time for the ear plugs. Good Night – I hope.
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