Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Incredibly Dumb

Last night around 7.40pm I was driving south on the 400 heading home (this is a major highway for those who are not Canadian). Two motorbikes screamed past me and as I didn’t see them or hear them coming, I jumped. They pulled in to the lane beside me and I couldn’t work out why they kept looking behind them as they rode.

The next thing I knew was that they guy checked back one more time, stood up and pulled a wheelie. Yes there was a guy, pulling a wheelie, while traveling south on the 400, traveling at 120 in the next lane to me.

Incredible, yet dumb. I stayed far enough back that I could still see well and appreciate this wonder, and also swerve if I needed to. I was prepared to administer my very basic first aid that learnt at a first aid course this past summer if he fell. He didn’t.

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