Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hightly Embarrasing

So when I logged on to my blog account i must say that i am a little embarrased to how long it has been since i last posted.

Ah well it sucks but hey what can you do. I will update it now.

At the minute i am still in New Zealand. As usual i have had a few problems with immigration (i will explain later) but now have a proper visa that means i can stay here legally until the start of January 08. Camp does know that i am finishing just after xmas but i have not decided what i am doing when i finish here. I am throwing around a few ideas in my head.

I will try and upload heaps of pics below so you can just look and not be bored by my writings.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done PK!!
Took you long enough! Ha. Hightly embarrasing. But always good to see what you do when your off site. Although the idea of you hanging around in my city is.... fine. You are alowed in. =p
Church went well today... forgot everything but I tolerated the amount of times I had to say thanks and force a grin...
See you next week! (after my dreaded music assignment is done)

Katie Waa