Thursday, February 08, 2007

Te Papa (Maori for Our Place)

Roy spinning the ball

Rachael was about to try but Roy suggested that she shouldn't incase she got hurt

PK infront of a Marae - it is a Maori meeting house. You can't wear shoses in there as it is disrepectful. This one is for show but you have to have a Powhiri (a Maori Welcome) to enter a proper one. They sing (a call) you in.

Some of the amazing wood sculpture inside the Marae

This is a huge wind turbine at Wellington. If you are going to go there.. Good luck. It took Rachael and Roy ages to find it. If you click the pic you can see Rachael and I standing at the bottom of it. It was pretty big.

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During our time in Wellington we went to Te Papa. It is a kinda museum place and it was very fun. This is for a few reason. 1: there are buttons to push that make things light up 2: I learnt some of the history of NZ 3: IT WAS FREE ! ! !

Roy had fun pushing the big ball round pretending that he was strong when really Rachaels 2 year old sister Katie could have pushed it round with her baby finger. We smiled, nodded, said well done Roy and left. I banged my knee while we were walking back to the car because we stopped so I could race Roy up a rope ladder (he won, I had to withdraw due to injury) it hurt a lot.

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