It was a fun day apart from when i was at the furthest end of the Zoo from the reception there was a call on the speaker for the owner of a Blue Nissan Bluebird parked in the far carpark to come to reception. I had already been waiting for 10 mins for the tigers to come out for feeding and i wasn't going to miss it. It was definately worth waiting for. Anyway... i decided to make my way back to the reception and i finally got there tired, exhausted and a little sweaty. I arrived and said i was the driver of the Bule Nissan Bluebird (i said i was the driver because i am not the owner) she then looked confused. I repeated myself 'i am the driver of the Blue Nissan Bluebird' the light blub flashed abover her head and she rememberd about the call. It turned out that there was another Blue Nissan Bluebird in the far carpark because the guy had already turned up as he had left the key in the boot. I knew it definately wan't me because i was holding the key. I asked if she could arrange a lift for me back round to the tiger area because she had made me walk the whole way around for nothing. She didn't hesistate to say No! So i walked.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Hamilton Zoo
It was a fun day apart from when i was at the furthest end of the Zoo from the reception there was a call on the speaker for the owner of a Blue Nissan Bluebird parked in the far carpark to come to reception. I had already been waiting for 10 mins for the tigers to come out for feeding and i wasn't going to miss it. It was definately worth waiting for. Anyway... i decided to make my way back to the reception and i finally got there tired, exhausted and a little sweaty. I arrived and said i was the driver of the Bule Nissan Bluebird (i said i was the driver because i am not the owner) she then looked confused. I repeated myself 'i am the driver of the Blue Nissan Bluebird' the light blub flashed abover her head and she rememberd about the call. It turned out that there was another Blue Nissan Bluebird in the far carpark because the guy had already turned up as he had left the key in the boot. I knew it definately wan't me because i was holding the key. I asked if she could arrange a lift for me back round to the tiger area because she had made me walk the whole way around for nothing. She didn't hesistate to say No! So i walked.
Hamilton Zoo
Interesting fact: White Rhinoceros and Black Rhinoceros are exactly the same. The name chance comes from the shape of the mouth. A white Rhinoceros has a flat bottom lip for picking up food off the ground (grass / hay) where a black Rhinoceros has more of a pointed lip so that it can rip off leaves etc from trees / bushes.
They hid the food around the water as it is the natural area for tigers to go to for food. In the wild they will generally chase their prey towards the water.
Hamilton Zoo: Black-Handed Spider Monkey
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Parachute 07

Mystery Creek just hosted the annual Parachute Festivle. This is a time when the top NZ bands and a few from overseas come for a weekend full of music, fun and little sleep. I still had to work during during this weekend so i travelled out every day after lunch. This was a great weekend as i got to see some of my fav bands. I think my fav band of the weekend was a band called Spacifix. Didn't know who they were but Elise and myself decided to stay while the others left to go to another show. It rocked...
It was also cool during the weekend because Thousand Foot Krutch played and i got to meet up with Joel the Bass player as I know him from Canada. We were going to meet up for breakfast the next morning after their show but i couldn't get off work. Suckky...
Other bands i saw: Late 80s Mercedes: Rivertribe: Mumsdollar: The Holy Rollers: Katy Ray: Nesian Mystik: The Lads: Spacifix: Rapture Ruckus: Shooting Stars: Shawn McDonald: Radiator: Rebecca St James: Thousand Foot Krutch: Detour 180: Lt Funk: Magnify: Darlene Zschech & The Hillsong Worship Team: Third Day: Dave Dobbyn.
The night that Darlene and Hillsong played Joyce Myers also spoke. She was really good. I liked her.
Drive Home
Napier - How High Can You Jump
These kids didn't last to long on this..... Ha ha.... Once you double bounce
them a few times they cry and leave.. lol
Te Papa (Maori for Our Place)
Rachael was about to try but Roy suggested that she shouldn't incase she got hurt
This is a huge wind turbine at Wellington. If you are going to go there.. Good luck. It took Rachael and Roy ages to find it. If you click the pic you can see Rachael and I standing at the bottom of it. It was pretty big.
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Roy had fun pushing the big ball round pretending that he was strong when really Rachaels 2 year old sister Katie could have pushed it round with her baby finger. We smiled, nodded, said well done Roy and left. I banged my knee while we were walking back to the car because we stopped so I could race Roy up a rope ladder (he won, I had to withdraw due to injury) it hurt a lot.
December in Wellington
Sailing around Cooks Island
Roger (leg & hand) Roy, John & Rachael
Holding on for my life as my side of the boat was tipped into the water.
One of the afternoons Rachaels step-dad aranged for us to go out on his friends 35ft yacht. This was really fun as I had never been on a big yacht before. It was quite scary for me and the rest of the folks on board when I was handed the stick thing and told to steer. (i realise that there is a proper name for the 'stick thing' and probably a proper word for steering) I have watched on TV when a yacht is going fast and one side is fully out of the water. Yea this happened to me but I didn't mean for it to happen. Plus I didn't know how to not make it happen. It is funny when you look up and the folks at the top are fighting to hold on cause they can't get any grip on their feet. I laughed out loud at them. Fun times. I would definately go sailing again.