So I have been back in NZ for a while now and just got word the other week that Immigration NZ has approve me to stay for another year. I am excited about this cause I love the work that i do, and i am meeting some really cool people here.
Went to see U2 in Auckland. It was amazing. I don't think it was as good as the show i saw in Toronto but good all the same.
After U2 we headed up the coast to go fishing again. Great fun, good craic and not that many fish. I did catch the biggest and the most random fish. I think Jerry is getting pissed off when i go cause i kick his butt.. ha ha suck it up buttercup
It wasn't really that sunny but turns out it was.
Went to see U2 in Auckland. It was amazing. I don't think it was as good as the show i saw in Toronto but good all the same.
After U2 we headed up the coast to go fishing again. Great fun, good craic and not that many fish. I did catch the biggest and the most random fish. I think Jerry is getting pissed off when i go cause i kick his butt.. ha ha suck it up buttercup
It wasn't really that sunny but turns out it was.

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