So apparantly Possums came from Australia. I am not really sure that they did or if it is another story that the New Zealand people have convinced themselves of to dislike Aussie people even more. Anyway Australia don't have a problem with them because Possums have their own predators that sort them out. Unfortunately Possums over here don't have predators so we have to be the predators. They are a pain in the butt. They distroy the trees and eat the fruit off the fruit trees that we have around camp, and they mulitiply like crazy.
So the other Sunday night we set off. Wrapped in warm clothes, we jumped on the back of a motorbike (quads to normal people but NZ folks call them bikes) attached a really powerful light to the battery Muckle driving, Reece on the back left armed with a 22 and myself back right with a shotgun. We drove all around our property shining the light all around us, into the bushes and up into the trees. That is the best way to find them cause they look into the light and you can see their eyes shine. Depending on the range was whether Reece or myself got the shot. If it needed a sight then Reece stepped forward with the 22 otherwise they let me have a go.
In total we got about 12 and you may think that is a lot (or too many) but I was walking around the property the next night and saw another 4 running around. So we did leave a few........ for another night.
I see you took Muckles word and did a possum shooting blog. And I can assure you that possums did come from Aussi...and I am an Aussi, so it must be true : P.
Did u get chased by any?? When you were not at camp, me Anna and some others went down to the hammock and, well, a possum chased after us. Scaryest (if thats a word) of my life. I hope you killed that possum.
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