Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Seagulls - love em or hate em

I neither love birds or hate birds, but for some reason I don't have much luck with them. Let me tell you the history.

Incident One:
When I was younger I was fishing. As I cast my line out a seagull decided that it was hungry and tried to catch my bait. It missed but somehow the line managed to wrap around the seagulls wing. I watched as the bird plummeted into the water. Trying to swim, fly, or not drown I decided to reel it in. I felt slightly embarrassed as everyone started to over to watch. I had to use a net to lift him out of the water as I didn't want my line to break. Setting him down carefully I proceeded to try and unwrap him. The stupid thing kept pecking me and nipping me even though I was trying to help him. I didn't know how to stop it so I ended up flicking him on the head as a punch would be a little extreme. I took the line off his wing, picked him up and threw him back in the water. The stupid bird flew away. I was left with a damaged line, feathers in the net and marks on my hand.

Incident Two:
Walking downtown Toronto with my brother who was visiting me and Chris Schryer we decided that hunger was winning and we would get some street meat. I adore steet meat, infact when I am downtown I make a point of getting it. This time I was so hungry that I could already taste it in my mouth. Getting there I ordered 1 dog (cause that is what you say apparently) and a coke. The guy handed it to me and told me the price was $3.50. I didn't know what to do, both my hands were full and the money was in my pocket. I would have asked Chris to fish it out but that probably wouldn't have looked to good. Behind the vender was union station so I set my food down got my money handed it to him and as I turned I realised that there was about 15 seagulls attacking my food. I generally don't really lose it but on this occasion I did. I think it was the combination of my hunger, love for street meat and past experiences with birds.

I don't know what came over me but I charged for my food and punched a seagull. I didn't think that I had really hit it that hard until I looked over the edge and saw it falling.

That put me in a really bad mood. I refused to get another one and there was that awkward silence as Jonny and Chris didn't know what to say. The knew I was annoyed as they didn't even make a joke for at least 2 hours. (never mess with my food!)

Incident 3:
This was the worst and emotionally scarred me for hours.
I was called up towards the guys cabin where a Senior High guest had thrown a rock at a seagull and managed to hit it. By the time I got there you could tell that it was pretty serious. It's neck was in a really bad position, it had thrown up food, and it was bleeding from under its wing and its mouth. I went to get a box to put it in and it was obvious that the thing was about to die. It couldn't keep its eyes open.

I decided that the good citizen that I am that I would help assist this bird with it's passing on to another life. I got Chris Evans as I needed the emotional support.

I won't go into the details as to how we ended the life of this bird but let me say. That thing put up a fight. We did break its neck but then it kept moving and rolling around. It took several attemps and we ended up doing other things that ensured its death. Being the good man that I am I put it in the box and decided that I would dispose of the body.

On my way to the dump I was stopped by a couple of staff outside the Tuck Shop. We stood there for easily 5 mins chatting about the day. I told them what was in the box and they wanted to see it so I showed it to them. Standing with the box under my arm I can only describe as one of the scariest moments in some time happened. I don't know what the bird did in the box but the thing jumped up and started moving. I screamed and dropped the box, i had to refrain from swearing cause that is how scared I was. I honestly thought that I had shat my pants. Shaking, I picked up the box ran up to the dump threw the box in and closed the lid.

I had to go and have a cup of Tea and a Kitkat chunky to recover. I have never killed an animal before and hope to never do it again.


Barbara said...

Doesn't sound like you've killed an animal properly yet...i'm reporting you to the RSPCA...

Barbara said...

WHHHAAATTT! You hate cats too! You are a bad bad man...

Chris Schryer said...

With the help of a truck you nearly offed Toby. DOes that count for anything? And as I recall, Jonny and I might not have cracked any jokes that day downtown, but I vividly remember laughing till it hurt.

Anonymous said...

You ran over a cat :O
Oh noes
*from the strange irish kid*