Monday, March 07, 2005

I love my job

So what have I been up to? I finally left cold Belfast to arrive in an even colder Toronto. There are differences in the cold that you feel in these two locations. For some reason the cold in Toronto is more bearable and maybe that is because you just wrap up and get on with it. In Ireland the cold seems to go deeper than any 10 layers of clothes can and your bones hurt. I think it is referred to as a damp cold. Anyway. . .

I was no longer in the country than I was back in a plane heading 3 hours west to Youth Quake in Saskatchewan. I attended the conference 2 years ago and my expectations for this trip were high and I can say that my expectations were fulfilled. Over 3000 youth from all over the world came together to connect, to be challenged and to worship. It was a great trip. I met some amazing people and connected with people I haven’t seen in years.

We were extremely fortunate to be issued with a VIP pass for the weekend. This was great when it came to meals (free), snacks, getting back door access and meeting the actual VIP people who truly deserved being VIP. I also got to hang out with some really amazing people. Folks like 321improv. These guys are sooo funny. Nothing I can write will do justice on how funny they actually are, on and off the stage. The Flying Wallendas who amazed us with their circus skills, Derek Selinger who is a Master Illusionist, bands like Pillar, Downhere, Stereotrap and my favorites of the weekend Gaetz Ave.

The weekend ended with a stop off at a greasy spoon restaurant for a good feed before we get the flight back. This was definitely a trip to remember. Room 106 definitely was the party room in the Pilgrim Inn.

Settling back into the woods has been great. I love and appreciate that Muskoka Woods give and trusts you with what you need to get settled back into things. I have moved down into the basement of the office and I love it. I get to play my own music and think without any real distractions. I love the job that I have and how that I get to be creative and use my skills.

Tomorrow myself and Paul Clarke fly to Montreal for a few days. We are working at a camp fair. Not really sure what that is but I think we are trying to encourage kids to come as guests for the summer. Montreal is really nice, I was there a few years ago. I will let you know what went on in my next blog. Thanks for reading…

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