Saturday, February 19, 2005

Can’t fight, fly or crow

I have been thinking about my favourite scenes from movies and this was one of the first ones that came to mind.

It is a scene from the classic movie Hook, starring Dusting Hoffman, Robin Williams and Julie Roberts.

This is the scene where Peter Bunning (Peter Pan) meets Rufio (King of the Lost Boys) for the first time. Peter Bunning doesn't even believe that he is Peter Pan so Tinkerbell is trying to convince him and the rest of the Lost Boys that it is true. Back and forth they go from Peter’s side over to Rufio’s side not knowing who to believe.

A little boy has been left standing looking up at Peter. He motions for Peter and he gets down on his knees so that they are at eye level. Slowly the boy takes off the glasses and puts them in Peter’s pocket. He spends the next minute or so squeezing Peters face in all directions, raising his eyebrows, and pulling his hair back. Finally he takes his cheeks and pushes them backwards making his skin tight. A smile comes on his face and he says quietly, “Oh there you are Peter!”

One by one the boys come over and see for themselves that this is indeed the Peter Pan they once knew and loved.

One boy says, “Peter you’ve grown up; you promised you would never grow up,”

This type of scene makes me think of peoples identities. How that over the years and through different circumstance they have slowly changed into something that they never really wanted to be. Do we need what Peter Pan needed, someone to do a little poking and prodding to really see who we are? I am sure Peter Pan never really wanted to forget who he was but over time he did. He had allowed other things to take his focus off his passion and his dreams.

If you look back in the movie you can see slight traces of the original Peter Pan in his life. You can see this in the way he walks and stands as he sometimes takes the stance that Peter Pan is famous for. In this case he had forgotten mentally who he was but deep down at the core this was his foundation.

I think of who is the Tinkerbell in my life, that someone who hasn’t forgotten the potential I have, that can see the real me and will do their best to never let that disappear. That can bring me back to Neverland that I can rebirth the real me.

DO I have that kind of a kid in my life that will get eye to eye with me? Who will look me in the eyes knowing that there is something more and deeper inside. Knowing that with the right stretching here and there that my true character will be revealed. Pushing me in the right directions to help me discover who I was created to be.

And that my friend is why I love that scene from Hook.

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